

The documentation isn't complete yet!

What i've done see below.

  • Dependencies
  • Installation
  • Usage
  • FAQ
  • Dependencies

    First of all you need a Linux distribution and a Tableau write blocker, if you don't have such a write blocker, you don't need this tool.


  • PC: x86 (32/64Bit)
  • Tableau write blocker
  • Software you'll need to compile:

  • Linux - 2.6.x
  • GCC - >=4.1.1
  • pkgconfig - 0.23
  • Gtk+ - >=2.12.8
  • Gtkmm - 2.4 (>=2.8.0)
  • tableau-parm - 0.1.0
  • Lesser versions of gcc, pkgconfig, gtk+ and gtkmm has not been tested, they may or may not work.


    To install the program download the package, open a terminal session and untar the package.

    tar -xf gtableauparm-0.X.X.tar.bz2

    Remember the two X stands for the version number you've downloaded.

    Now change into the new created directory and run the configure script.

    cd gtableauparm-0.X.X

    For more information's on the configure (e.g. change the installation directory), type ./configure --help

    Now take a look at the output, if all seems OK try to compile it.


    If make doesn't break with some error, install it.

    make install

    The install script copy the binary to "/usr/local/bin", normally you could now start the program out of the terminal like this.



    First make sure you have the needed write blocker otherwise you run out of the features and the tool will be nearly useless for you.

    Attach a device to the write blocker and power it on.

    If you start gTableauParm you'll see all "scsi" devices (e.g.: sda,sdb,...sdx)in a tabular view. The devices attached to a Tableau write blocker will show the write blocker model (e.g. T5) in the first row, at local devices the string "local". Now you could view detailed information's by clicking right to the device which you could save to a text file. You could also make comments to every device, that you could divide similar devices.

    For more detailed information's look at the User Manual. coming soon!!


    gTableauParm show only local devices.

    Make sure your tableau device is probably attached and powered on.

    Also look at the "Host Detect"-LED on external tableau bridges. If the LED isn't glowing, check the FiWi/USB connection.

    gTableauParm doesn't show a new attached device.

    If you attach a new device, wait a few seconds and then hit the refresh button. Now Your devices should appear.

    I can't view detailed information's about devices.

    Make sure you have enough permissions to run tableau-parm probably. Try to run gTableauParm with root privileges.